Friday 08. November 2024
Meniny má Bohumír
Tomorrow he will Teodor
communal and separated
waste 2024
Vitan's final account for 2012
the endVitan's bill For the year 2012
the endčný účet obce For the year 2012 obsahuje:
- Budget of the municipality for 2012
- Rozbor plnenia príjmov For the year 2012
- Rozbor plnenia výdavkov For the year 2012
- Financial arrangements for:
- state budget
- state fund
- to other legal and natural persons
- Use of surplus (settlement of deficit) of management
- Creation and use of reserve and social fund resources
- Overview of assets and liabilities
- Overview of the debt situation and development as of 3First1Second2012
- Motion for a resolution
the endčný účet Obce For the year 201Second
First budgetsthe village community for 2012
Základným nástrojom finančného hospodárenia obce bol rozpothe village community for 201SecondObec v roku 2012 zostavila budget podľa ustanovenia § 10 odsek 7) zákona č.583/2004 Z.z. o rozpočtových pravidlách územnej samosprávy a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov. Budget of the municipality for 2012 bol zostavený ako vyrovnaný. Farming the village sa riadilo podľa schváleného rozpočtu na rok 2012
The budget of the village was approved by the municipal council on 1First1Second201First
It was amended and approved on 2First10th2012 by Resolution No. 48
9th1Second2012 by resolution no. 63
After the last change, the budget and its performance were as follows:
Adjusted budget of the municipality and its performance as of 3First1Second2012
Income Upr.roz. Reality
Current Income |
617,280.10 |
617 279,32 |
Current expenses |
560 316,55 |
566,71Third84 |
Budget surplus |
56,96Third55 |
50,565th48 |
Capital Income |
270 |
270 |
Capital expenditures |
49 636 |
49,635th52 |
Draft budget gap |
- 49,366 |
- 49 365,52 |
Total BR + KR |
7,597th55 |
1 199th96 |
Receiving financial operations |
84,91First55 |
84,910th99 |
Expenditure Financial Operations |
10 395 |
10,394th86 |
Hosp. fin.operácií |
74,516th55 |
74,516th13 |
Budget of the municipality: |
82 114th10 |
75 716,09 |
Second Rozbor plnenia príjmov For the year 2012 in €
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
617,280.10 |
617 279,32 |
100 |
1) Current Income - daňové príjmy :
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
305 391 |
305 444th99 |
100 |
(a) Income tax receivable by local self-government
Of the estimated financial amount of € 278,891 from the income tax revenue, € 278,890.97 was earmarked as of 3First1Second2012, representing 100% of the proceeds.
(b) Real estate tax
Of the budgeted € 17,050, the actual income as of 31 December 2012 amounted to € 17,17Third75, which is a 100% performance. The income from the land tax was € 10,918th24, taxes on the buildings were in the amount
6 255,51 €. For the financial year, 17 173,75 € were paid. The municipality does not record real estate tax receivables.
c) Tax for the dog 531 €
d) Tax for use of the public area 200 €
g) Accommodation tax 1 532,05 €
(j) Fee for municipal waste and small construction waste 7 117,22 €
2) Current Income - nedaňové príjmy :
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
12 371 |
12 316,28 |
99th56 |
(a) Income from ownership of property
Of the budgeted € 4,880, the actual income as of 3First1Second2012 was € 4,815th05, which is
98th67% performance. It is the income from leased buildings, premises and buildings amounting to € 4 520.29 income from leased land of € 264th76 and income from leased machinery in the amount
30 €.
(b) Administrative charges and other charges and payments
Administrative charges - Administrative charges:
Of the budgeted 7,491 €, the actual income as at 31 December 2012 was 7,50First23 €, which is 100.14% performance.
The bulk of revenue is generated by administrative fees amounting to € 1,299th50, service charges € 4,396th35, meal fees € 1,325th20, fines € 20, interest € 40.05, income from insurance benefits in the amount of 420,13 €.
3) Current Income - transfery :
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
290 536,69 |
290 536,64 |
100 |
The municipality has received the following grants and transfers:
P.č. |
provider |
Amount in € |
Purpose |
First |
44th55 |
Second |
Regional Environmental Office |
139th68 |
environment |
Third |
Regional Education Authority |
269 467 |
education |
4th |
Regional Education Authority |
3,955th60 |
Education vouchers |
5th |
Regional Education Authority |
2 567 |
ME |
6th |
Regional Education Authority |
2 217,60 |
severance |
7th |
Regional Education Authority |
533 |
to a pupil with a CAP |
8th |
Regional Education Authority |
3 600 |
Teacher's assistant |
9th |
District Office |
45 |
9th |
1 695,41 |
Dietary for children in HN |
10th |
282.20 |
School supplies for children in HN |
1First |
District Office |
909.55 |
election |
1Second |
District Office |
426th36 |
on the record of the population |
1Third |
4,653.69 |
the PLSR project |
Together: |
290 536,64 |
Z roku 2012 zostalo 10,430 € nevyčerpanej dotácie zo štátneho rozpočtu pre ZŠ s ME, ktorá bude použitá na bežné výdavky do 3First0Third201Third
Grants and transfers were purpose-bound and used in accordance with their purpose.
4) Capital Income :
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
270 |
270 |
100 |
- income from the sale of land amounting to 270 €
5) Revenue Financial Operations:
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
84,91First55 |
84,910th99 |
100 |
Transfer fin. funds from min. year: € 64,671.44
zostatok ZŠ s ME z min.roku : 4,239.55 €
balance of subsidy - Government Office: € 16,000.00
6) Príjmy ZŚ s ME For the year 2012
Budget 2012 |
Reality k 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
8,981.41 |
8,981.41 |
100 |
Third Rozbor plnenia výdavkov For the year 2012 in €
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
560 316,55 |
566,71Third84 |
101.14 |
1) Current expenses :
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
193 349.55 |
193 348.99 |
100 |
of which: in €
Functional classification |
budget |
Reality |
% filling |
01 General public services |
142 633 |
142 567.92 |
02 Defense |
45 |
45 |
03 Public order and security. |
3 768 |
3,788.54 |
04 Economic area |
4 102 |
4 114.16 |
05 Environmental protection |
15 400 |
15 402.91 |
06 Housing and civic amenities |
9 519 |
9,544.12 |
08 Recreation, culture and religion |
10 329 |
10,332.33 |
09 Education - basic education |
1 023 |
1 023,09 |
10 Social security |
6,530.55 |
6,530.92 |
Together |
193 349.55 |
193 348.99 |
100 |
a) Wages
Z rozpočtovaných 58 225 bolo skutočné čerpanie k 3First1Second2012 vo výške 58 223,87 € čo je
100 % čerpanie. Patria sem mzdové prostriedky pracovníkov OcÚ, odmeny, election
(b) Premiums and contributions to insurance companies
Z rozpočtovaných 24 699 € bolo skutočne čerpané k 3First1Second2012 vo výške 24 705,63 €, čo je
100,02% drawdown. Payments of employees' wages are included here.
(c) Goods and services
Z rozpočtovaných 105 437 € bolo skutočne čerpané k 3First1Second2012 vo výške 105 404,93 €, čo je 99,97 % čerpanie. Ide o prevádzkové výdavky všetkých stredísk OcÚ, ako sú cestovné náhrady, energie, materiál, dopravné, rutinná a štandardná údržba, nájomné za nájom a ostatné tovary a služby.
d) Current transfers
Z rozpočtovaných 4 988,55 € bolo skutočne čerpané k 3First1Second2012 vo výške 5 014,56 €, čo predstavuje 100,52 % čerpanie.
2) Capital expenditures :
Budget 2012 |
Reality to 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
49 636 |
49,635th52 |
100 |
of which: in €
Functional classification |
budget |
reality |
% filling |
Purchase el. basin |
2 772 |
2 772 |
100 |
Rekonštrukcia a nadstvba ME |
39 721 |
39,720.82 |
100 |
Rainwater Drainage-MK Pod Ú |
7 143 |
7,142.70 |
100 |
Together |
49 636 |
49,635th52 |
100 |
a) Protection of life. environment:
- Odvedenie dažďovej vody vo výške 7th142,70 € z toho :
- projektová dokumentácia vo výške First620,00 €
- stavebné práce vo výške 5th522,70 €
b) Cultural services
- purchase of electrics. MOS pans of 2,772 €
c) Education
- nadstavba ME vo výške 39 720,82 € z toho:
- a subsidy of € 16,000.00
- construction work in the amount of € 23,720.82
Expenditure Financial Operations
Budget 2012 |
Reality k 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
10 395 |
10,394.86 |
100 |
Repayment of principal from bank loan:
3) Výdavky ZŠ s ME - rozpočtovej organizácie s právnou subjektivitou
Current expenses :
Budget 2012 |
Reality k 3First1Second2012 |
% filling |
383,864.95 |
373 364,85 |
97.26 |
Current expenses rozpočtovej organizácie s právnou subjektivitou z toho :
Transmitted Competencies - Elementary School: € 278,699.20
Orig. kompetencie - ME, ŠJ, ŠK: 85 951,59 €
ÚPSVaR - food, schools.potr .: 1 907,51 €
Other: € 6,806th55
4th Finanarrangement of relations with the FR
V súlade s ustanovením § 16 ods.2 zákona č. 583/2004 o rozpočtových pravidlách územnej samosprávy a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov má obec finančne usporiadať svoje hospodárenie vrátane finančných vzťahov k zriadeným alebo založeným právnickým osobám, fyzickým osobám - podnikateľom a právnickým osobám, ktorým poskytli finančné prostriedky svojho rozpočtu, ďalej usporiadať finančné vzťahy k state budget, state fund.
Finančné usporiadanie voči state budget:
- 1 - |
Úgrant identification, transfer: education, matriculation, .... - current expenditure - capital expenditure - 2 - |
Amount used in 2012 € - 3 - |
€ - 4 - |
current expenses-elementary school |
259 037 |
bežné výdavky - severance |
2 217,60 |
bežné výdavky-ME |
2 567 |
current expenses -vzd. vouchers |
3,955th60 |
current expenditure - for a pupil of the CAP |
533 |
current expenditures |
282.20 |
current expenses - PnD |
44th55 |
current expenses - food |
1 625.31 |
70.10 |
ObÚ |
bežné výdavky- election |
809.13 |
100.42 |
ObÚ |
current expenses-records. |
426th36 |
ObÚ |
bežné výdavky - WHAT |
45 |
KÚenvironment |
bežné výdavky-environment |
139th68 |
Bežné výdavky-Teacher's assistant |
3 600 |
the PLSR project |
4,653.69 |
Sec. expenses. 2011 Primary School |
4,239.55 |
KÚenvironment |
kap.výd.-zost.z r.2011:dokon. ME |
16 000 |
Together: |
300 175.67 |
170.52 |
The municipality provided in 2012 the subsidies:
you askor subsidies Úheading of the subsidy: state - current expenditure - capital expenditures |
Amount provided funds in 2012 €
Amount used in 2012 € |
Difference (St.².2 - column 3)
TJ |
1 700 |
959,51 |
740.49 |
TJ Vitanová vrátila nevyčerpanú dotáciu vo výške 740.49 € : 20.1Second2012 vo výške 540,49 € do pokladne a 2First1Second2012 vo výške 200 € na účet.
5th Použitie prebytku ( vysporiadanie schodku) hospodárenia For the year 2012
Revenue / Expenditure |
budgetsčet po zmenách k 3First1Second2012 in € |
actuallyčnosť k 3First1Second2012 in € |
Current Income |
617,280.00 |
617 280 00 |
Capital Income |
270.00 |
270.00 |
Current and capital gains |
617,550.00 |
617,550.00 |
Current expenses |
560 317,00 |
566,714.00 |
Capital expenditures |
49 636,00 |
49 636,00 |
Current and capital expenditures |
609,953.00 |
616 350,00 |
Farming the village |
7 597.00 |
1 200,00 |
Finanoperations |
Financial Income |
84 912,00 |
84 911,00 |
Financial expenses |
10 395,00 |
10 395,00 |
Result of financial operations |
74 517,00 |
74,516th00 |
Farming the village |
82 114.00 |
75,716th00 |
From the budget surplus amounting to € 75,716, as determined by the provisions of § 10, 3, point. a and b
zákona č. 583/2004 Z.z. o rozpočtových pravidlách územnej samosprávy a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov vylúčime nevyčerpané prostriedky zo štátneho rozpočtu pre ZŠ s ME v sume 10,430 €. Zostatok finančných funds 65 286 € je zdrojom rezervného fondu.
V zmysle ustanovenia § 16 odssek 6 zák. č. 583/2004 Z.z.o rozpočtových pravidlách územnej samosprávy a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov sa na účely tvorby peňažných fondov pri usporiadaní prebytku rozpočtu obce podľa § 10 ods. 3 písm.a) a b) citovaného zákona, z toho prebytku vylučujú nevyčerpané prostriedky zo ŠR účelovo určené na bežné výdavky poskytnuté v predchádzajúcom rozpočtovom roku v sume 10,430 €, a to na ZŠ na bežné výdavky, ktoré je možné použiť v ropočtovom roku do 3First0Third2013 v súlade s ustanovením § 8 odsek 4 a 5 zák. č. 523/2004 Z.z. o rozpočtových pravidlách verejnej správy a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov.
6th Creation and use of reserve and social fund resources za rok 2012
Reserve Fund
Obec vytvára rezervný fond v zmysle zák. č. 583/2004 Z.z. O použití rezervného fondu rozhoduje obecné zastupiteľstvo. Reserve Fund sa nevedie na osobitnom bankovom účte.
Reserve Fund |
Amount in Euro |
Počiatočný stav k FirstFirst2012 |
2 860 |
Increases in surplus |
62 610 |
Disposals - use of the reserve fund: -Production of rainwater from MK Pod Úboč (St.avebné práce a projekt) - Nadstavba ME-stavebné práce |
7 142
23 722 |
Horsesčný stav k 3First1Second2012 |
34 606 |
Social Fund
Obec tvorí sociálny fond. Social Fund sa vedie na samostatnom bankovom účte.
Social Fund |
Suma in € |
Počiatočný stav k FirstFirst2012 |
227.92 |
Additions - mandatory allocation - 1.05% |
419.25 |
Disposals - others |
596.14 |
Horsesčný stav k 3First1Second2012 |
51,03 |
7th Bilancia aktív a pasív k 3First1Second2012 v €
Title |
ZS k FirstFirst2012 |
KZ k 3First1Second2012 |
Unprofitable property together |
1 106 578 |
1 094 492,11 |
of this : |
Intangible assets |
Tangible fixed assets |
940 227 |
928 140,78 |
Long-term financial assets |
166 351 |
166 351,33 |
Common property together |
269 110 |
240 216,44 |
of this : |
stock |
901 |
884.67 |
Bill. between sub.VS |
182 939 |
162,065.70 |
Financial accounts |
85 270 |
77 266,07 |
A short-term view. |
Time Deviation, of which: |
2 321 |
2 021,18 |
Expenses for future periods |
2 321 |
2 021,18 |
1 378 009 |
1 336 729,73 |
Title |
ZS k FirstFirst2012 |
KZ k 3First1Second2012 |
Equity |
716 098 |
716 639.68 |
of this : |
Nevyspor.VH z min.rokov |
699 429 |
710 352.02 |
VH for account period |
16 669 |
6 287.66 |
responsibilities |
50 797 |
41 517.15 |
of this : |
Long-term commitments |
228 |
51,03 |
Short-term liabilities |
7 895 |
9,068.39 |
Bill. between VS entities |
9 838 |
10,430 |
Reserves |
6 146 |
5 639 |
Bank loans |
26 690 |
16 328,73 |
Time distinction |
611 114 |
578 572,90 |
Income from future periods |
611 114 |
578 572,90 |
1 378 009 |
1 336 729,73 |
Hlavné hospodárenie-stavy v pokladni a na bankových účtoch k 3First1Second2012 v eurách
Cash at the checkout 162.52 |
Current account balance: 22528332/0200 76 495,27 |
Account balance for primary school: 1636802353/0200 9,01 |
Social fund account balance: 2273800555/0200 51,03 |
Loan account balance: 47346711/0200 16,328.73 |
8th Prehľad o stave a vývoji dlhu k 3First1Second2012
Obec k 3First1Second2012 eviduje tieto krátkodobé záväzky:
- against suppliers 253.66 €
- against employees 5,196.26 €
- against SP and ZP € 2 621.50
- direct taxes € 788.38
- other liabilities € 208.59
Bankové úvery a výpomoci - dlhodobý investičný vo výške 16 328,73 € - splatný do 20.07th2014th
Motion for a resolution:
Obecné zastupiteľstvo schvaľuje the endčný účet obce a celoročné hospodárenie bez výhrad.
Vo Vitanovej dňa 2Second04th2013
Developed by: Štefan Ondrik
Lanďáková Mayor of the village
Translated using Google Translate