Monday 09. September 2024
Meniny má Martina
Tomorrow he will Oleg
communal and separated
waste 2024
African swine fever (AMO) in domestic pigs and feral pigs
African swine fever (AMO) in domestic pigs and feral pigs
State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slsak Republic
- acute, highly contagious disease of domestic pigs and feral pigs
- portable by direct contact with a sick or dead animalťom, výsludge and secretions of the infected animalťand, optionally, consuming uncooked products from infected animals
- it is very hotčkou (až 42°C), whichá mOZe lastsť až severalľko dní, apathy, bleeding in the subcutaneous tissue, lymph nodes, internal organs andčšspleen
- in pregnant sows it is manifested by miscarriage
- characterized by high, almost 100% mortalityťou animals
- This is not truečiteľdisease, but it is not portable to ľudí and other animal species
Pig breeding - prevention
- observesť in breeds biosecurity principlesčthe company (thorough fencing of the farm, disinfectiončné brody, evidencia a kontrola pohybu dopravných prostriedks a osôb, prezliekanie zamestnancs a návštevníks farmy, observesť čblack and white systém)
- purchase of pigs only from certified registered holdings in Slsakia
- also preventť intrusion of wild boar to the farm premises, eventually their contact with feed and litter
- to respectť ban on feeding of kitchen waste and divine productsčmeat
- ban on storageť pig food within the reach of wild boar
- ban on storageť litterú straw within reach of wild boar min. 90 days before use
- regular clinical examinations of animals on the holding
Warning for pig breeders. !!!!!
Kevery pig breeder is obliged to register every animal in the central livestock register Žilina.
There are two ways of keeping pigs - on a classic farm or on a so-called pig farm. "D" farm.
Classical farm
If I have registered a classic farm, just extend it to pigs. It is necessary to go to veterinary report and there to expand the farm by pig breeding. Alebo si mOZem zaregistrsať farmu nsú. Následne je možné prisúvať oare upané zo zaregistrsaných chss (vyplní sa tlačivo „Proof of msement of pigs"And sends it to the CEHZ). When slaughtering, the pig slaughter is registered in advance to the veterinary report in Dolny Kubin - 043/5820 930, then the pigs are withdrawn from the breeding on the form “Reporting changes in the number of pigs"- code 61. No collection letter from rendering plant is required! An individual register is kept on a classic farm.
"D" farm
Pokiaľ chcem kúpiť oare upanú len na dochsanie a zabitie, mOZem si zaregistrsať tzv. „D“ farmu. Pri tejto registrácii nepotrebujem potvrdenie od veterinárnej správy. Farmu si zaregistrujem na tlačive „Registration of one pig breeding for home use'- completed by letter sent to the CEHZ. I will be assigned a farm number beginning with the letter D. I continue to use this number when buying pigs from a registered breeder. When buying pigs for such a farm, the form 'Sale of swine for domestic consumption '. In the case of the domestic pig slaughter, I will announce in advance by telephone to the veterinary report to Dolny Kubin - 043/5820 930. Then I don't vote anymore. Importantly:
- "D" farm sa registruje na rodné číslo a slúži len na zabitie, prípadne dochsanie a zabitie oare upaných
- I register the "D" farm myself without the confirmation of the veterinarians!
- The "D" farm will only be registered to my personal identification number, which is not yet used on another (normal) farm
- pigs from the 'D' farm are no longer remsed from the central register
- I don’t mse a pig from another "D" farm to another farmer - so if I want to breed pigs and sell piglets, I have to have a classic farm
Purchase of pigs for registered breeding is possible only from registered breeding in Slsakia.
Official purchase from other EU countries must be consulted with the relevant Regional Veterinary
and the Food Administration.
Buying from pig traffickers from unregistered breeds is prohibited !!!!
Users afterľsných reví(wild boar) - prevention
- taking and sending samples for examination from all found dead pigs
- neškodné odstránenie kadávers dead pigs do rendering or deep burial (2m) respectively. by burning at the place of death
- intense catches of the wildč(selective) gamečas celéyear and examination of all sick and suspect wild boars
- observesnie normsaných kmeňsých stavs, veksej a gender šSTRUCTUREúry populácie, lsom všetkých veksých kategórii
- zákaz prikrmsania diviaks (exemption only forčelom bait)
- observesnie biological principles pri manipulácii s telami a vývrhmi z ulsených diviaks
- taking and sending samples for examination od ulsených diviaks Comeľand RVPS instructions
Transmission of disease through ľudského factora- Odhadzsanie zvyšks potravín you are only closingľných nátimes for food!
Na Slsensku sa AMO bol potvrdený výskyt v okrese Trebišs. V súčasthe company sa vyskytuje vo viacerých krajinách – na Ukrajine, v Poľsku, MaďHungary, Čthe Czech Republic, Belgium, the Baltic countries and Eastern Europe. Largestčare um dangerčenstvom rozare uAMO úcountry of Slovakia is possiblečenie nákazy prostredníctvom infiksaných diviaks alebo ľudským factor.
Preventívna vakcinácia diviaks a domácich oare upaných nie je možná.
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2AMO leták uprava august 2019.docx
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