Monday 09. September 2024
Meniny má Martina
Tomorrow he will Oleg
communal and separated
waste 2024
Extension of the curfew until 14.11.2020
Extension of the curfew until 14.11.2020
The ban will not apply from 5 am to 1 am the following day. Restriction of movement does not apply to persons with a negative PCR test or an antigen test for COVID-19. The government decided on this at a meeting on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.
It can also be demonstrated by RT-PCR test.
Government Resolution of 4 November 2020
- , such as the purchase of food, medicine, drugstores, fuels or animal feed;
- a trip to care for a loved one
- a walk with a dog or cat within 100 meters of the place of residence and a journey for the care of livestock;
- parents can take their children to a nursery or kindergarten;
- children under ten years;
- persons who have overcome COVID-19 and have proof of this for not more than three months;
- persons diagnosed with COVID-19 between 1 August and 23 October;
- persons who, at the time of testing, have been prescribed isolation or incapacity for work due to quarantine by their adult general practitioner or by a general practitioner for children and adolescents. An exception also applies to those who, for the same reasons, could not be tested in the first round;
- guides nákladnej dopravy, autobusovej dopravy, piloti, členovia posádky lietadla a iní členovia leteckého personálu, posádka v lodnej doprave, rušňoguides, vozmajstri, vlakové čaty a obslužní pracovníci v železničnej doprave vstupujúci na územie SR. Platí to v prípade, ak územie opustia do 48 hodín od vstupu;
- prisoners and persons in custody,
Translated using Google Translate