Wednesday 13. November 2024
Meniny má Stanislav
Tomorrow he will Irma
communal and separated
waste 2024
URBÁRSKE DRUŽSTVO VITANOVÁ, družstvo, Vitanová 82 /Bud.obec.úradu/
Land community of private forests Vitanová
We invite you to a meeting of the Annual Membership Meeting of Urbárský
cooperative Vitanová and the General Assembly of PSSL in Vitanová, which
will take place on 20.9.2020 i.e. on Sunday at 2 pm with the following program:
1, Opening
2, Election of the chairman, recorder, verifiers of the minutes, members
the drafting and mandate commission
3, 2019 Activity Report and Main Challenges 2020
4, Report on Financial Management for 2019
5, Report of the Audit Committee and the Supervisory Board
6, Approval of amendments to the Land Community Treaty,
Statutes of the Urban Cooperative and the Electoral Code
7, Approval of the application for settlement of land
8, Discussion
9, Approval of the motion for a resolution
10, Conclusion
In the absence of an absolute majority of members, it will take place
at 2.30 pm a replacement meeting of VČS UD Vitanová
Chairman of UD and PSSL Vitanová
Vladimir Hrubec
Signed / .............................................. .................................................. ....................
b. .......................................... residing ....... .................................................. ..............................
I hereby authorize: ............................................... .................................................. ............
Name, surname, address
to be represented at the Annual Membership Meeting of the Urban Cooperative Vitanová
and the General Assembly of the Land Forest of Private Forests Vitanová held
on 20.9.2020 in all acts.
.................................... signature of the representative
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